
Tackle Turnover and Boost Productivity with Hoopla by Raydiant’s Talkdesk Integration for Contact Centers

The average contact center turnover rate is between 30-45%.

And, according to the United States Bureau of Labor, agents that do stay at their job typically leave after only one year. What does that mean for your business? Loss of productivity, the cost of new hires and training, and low workplace morale. How do you turn this around? 

Studies show, unsurprisingly, that engaged workers are happy workers. Those with clearly communicated goals and instant recognition for their successes are more likely to stick around. And that’s where Hoopla by Raydiant’s newest integration with Talkdesk comes in.

The Challenges Contact Center Agents Face

As the face of your company, contact center agents are an important part of your business. They put a face to your brand, speak with your prospects and clients, and move customers along the buyer’s journey. That said, contact centers are considered one of the toughest work environments, with the most common problems being:

  • Relentless sales quotas

  • Insufficient training

  • Rude or apathetic customers

  • Little to no growth opportunities

  • Low motivation, leading to burnout and turnover

  • Difficulty connecting with co-workers (due to turnover)

Doesn’t sound like a happy work environment, does it? Luckily, there are proven ways to engage and motivate your agents to improve their productivity and enjoy themselves while doing it. Considering that turnover costs a company up to 2x the employee’s salary, and happy workers are shown to be 20% more productive, you’ll want to pay attention to this next part. 

How Hoopla and Talkdesk Meet the Needs of Today’s Contact Centers

Raydiant and contact center provider Talkdesk, Inc. recently partnered to bring Hoopla by Raydiant gamification to Talkdesk’s contact center customers. Boosting workplace engagement, productivity, and morale through gamification, Hoopla uses a company’s Talkdesk metrics. Employee KPIs and business goals are turned into motivational competitions, where employees can compete in friendly contests and track their progress on live leaderboards. They’re further incentivized by Hoopla’s rewards program, which lets them earn points that they can redeem for real-world prizes from a virtual storefront that you can customize and brand to match your business.

No matter if your contact center is in the office, fully remote, or a hybrid of the two, Hoopla’s wide variety of competitions can be played anywhere. The system makes live Hoopla data available on your in-office TVs, PCs, smartphones, email, Slack, or Microsoft Teams channels.

The Power of Hoopla by Raydiant

Turn Work into Play 

Between the long working hours and dealing with apathetic or irate customers, your agents are burned out. Inject some fun into their workday by turning their sales goals into fun contests, department challenges, and one-on-one battles. Research shows that 82% of employees respond favorably to workplace games, saying that they make them happier at work. And 72% of workers say that those games motivate them to work harder. A few ways to use Hoopla competitions at your contact center:

  • Make a team tournament to compete for the highest customer satisfaction rating.

  • Create a company contest to see if you can close X number of deals by a specific date.

  • Start a one-on-one battle to see which employee can get the highest response time for the quarter.

Motivate with Goal-Oriented Games 

A happy, successful employee is one working towards a clear goal. Hoopla helps you turn mundane daily tasks into exciting opportunities for growth and recognition. And if you think boredom isn’t a problem for your bottom line, think again: 33% of workers leave their current job to seek new challenges. 

Turn employee KPIs and team goals into Hoopla games, where they can track their progress in real time on live leaderboards and message channels. You can also use Hoopla to train new hires, help agents grow their skill sets, and showcase how employee goals benefit the company as a whole. Your agents want to know that what they do makes a difference. Why not use live leaderboards and channels to share your latest metrics and celebrate each new lead they helped acquire? 

When you’re ready to recognize contest winners or celebrate an achievement, milestone, or special occasion, Hoopla’s reward system lets you dole out real-world prizes. Lunch with the boss, Fridays off, extra PTO, a cash prize, electronics—you get to decide what prizes to  offer, and how many “points” each is worth.

Track Performance, Recognize Achievements  

Rejection is hard—especially when you’re dealing with it multiple times a day. Contact center agents get a lot of negativity thrown at them. A little praise and recognition—and the promise of a reward—go a long way in refreshing their spirit and reviving their drive. And your business will benefit too—69% of workers say they’d work harder if they were more appreciated. 

Hoopla by Raydiant’s Talkdesk integration lets you celebrate your employees’ every victory, large and small. The automated system integrates your data, feeding it to the Hoopla system so that it knows instantly when an employee closes a deal, wins a challenge, or has a birthday or anniversary. Celebrate it all—in real time—with digital celebrations using fun animations, music, and backgrounds on your live leaderboards and messaging channels. Companies that use public recognition like this to boost employee morale see an improvement in customer satisfaction.

Create a Cohesive Workplace 

Between the cultural WFA shift, the increasing popularity of cloud-based contact center services, and the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more contact centers are going remote. But with a lot of turnover and few opportunities to connect with dispersed co-workers, it’s becoming harder to create a cohesive company culture. 

A cohesive workplace is a differentiator in today’s talent marketplace. It’s what makes you competitive as a sought-after company to work for, and what helps you draw, and keep, top performers. In fact, 46% of people looking for employment list a company’s culture as one of the first things they look at before applying for a job. And 54% of employees are more likely to stay with their current employers because they like their co-workers. 

Try the Hoopla and Talkdesk Integration Today 

As Talkdesk’s exclusive gamification partner, Hoopla is a game changer for the contact center CX and employee experience. The Hoopla and Talkdesk integration requires a subscription to both services, and uses Talkdesk data to feed and manage Hoopla by Raydiant’s gamification in the workplace. With Hoopla and Talkdesk, you can engage and motivate your workers, driving their performance whether they’re working from the office, home, or anywhere in between. 

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